PEN SUSPENSION PERFORMANCE This little experiment proves that there is such a thing as a magnetic personality. By rubbing this pen on my head I can create a static electric charge. Maybe I've been doing this trick too often. When I place the pen on my hand then let go, it stays suspended. Now I'll show you how this works, but only if we keep it among ourselves. See how simple, it's just the power of my finger. Not this one, this one. HOW-TO TUTORIAL You'll need not one pen but two to keep your audience in suspense. One of them is secretly placed under your watchband. Sometimes magicians really do have things up their sleeves. Pick up the other pen and go through the performance. As you place it into the left hand, make sure you move it on a path starting at the fingers and moving back to the palm. The pen actually goes under the tip of the concealed pen. The left hand momentarily closes into a fist. Now the right hand grasps the wrist, but the first finger is placed over the concealed pen. Open the left fist and the pen appears to be clinging magically to the hand. Move both arms to the left and twist your body to the left at the same time to apparently expose the method. Return to the original position and remove the right hand. The pen is still suspended. Snap your fingers and bend the left hand outwards slightly at the wrist. This will release the pressure on the pen and it will fall. HOW-TO TIPS You can perform this effect with other objects as well, such as pencils and straws. The main part of the pen is exposed on the palm of your hand, so make sure that no one is behind you or to the side. When you turn to the left, make sure that you curl your right index fingertip over the end of the concealed pen to prevent it from being seen. As you bend your hand, jerk it slightly as if you have received a mild shock. This helps sell the idea that a magnetic field is being broken. PROPS 2 pens you must be wearing a watch or wrist band